NC Go Legislative Priorities
Solution |
Revenue |
Increase the Highway Use Tax (HUT) by 2 percentage points |
$5.8 Billion/10 years |
Eliminate the net-of-trade exemption |
$1 Billion/10 years |
Legislative authorization for counties to levy an additional ¼ - ½ percent Local Option Sales Tax for transportation purposes – for specific transit and transportation projects/plans |
N/A |
Enact an electric vehicles Road Usage Charge (RUC) of $0.015/mile (biannual payment, annual inspection odometer reading, etc.) |
TBD* |
Road Usage Charge (RUC) + weight factor for heavy electric trucks |
Remove statutory cap on tolling projects, focusing on projects to relieve freight congestion, such as truck-only toll lanes on high traveled roads like I-95, and high-cost road and bridge projects. |
N/A |